During my employment for the pharmaceutical company Krka, I prepared a toolbox for the veterinary product Prinocate. This was done in cooperation with an external agency AV Studio, which provided the original idea for dog and cat selfie and centerpiece photo. I expanded the original concept and design on brochures, cards, ads, PPT templates and other materials for use in local markets. Emphasis was put on infographics and a playful style of communication where we used the main graphic element (cat and dog) and placed them in front of local landmarks for use in the many markets where the product is being sold. // Za farmacevtsko podjetje Krka sem v času svoje zaposlitve v podjetju pripravila toolbox za veterinarski preparat Prinocate v sodelovanja z AV studijem. Agencija je prispevala osnovno idejo selfija in fotografijo podobe, sama pa sem v oblikovno razširila idejo na paket materialov (brošure, kartice, oglasi, PPT templejti…), kot oblikovno izhodišče za uporabo na trgih. Velik poudarek je na infografikah in igrivem načinu komuniciranja produkta, iz tega naslova smo se poigrali z nosilnim motivom in ga zmontirali na lokalna ozadja za interno promocijo.